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Англо-русский словарь - who


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pron.; obj. whom
 1) inter. кто?; who is there? - кто там?; whom did you see? - кого вы видели?; whom (или разг. who) do you mean? - кого вы имеете в виду?; who did you give it to? - кому вы это дали?
 2) relat. который, кто; the man whom you saw... - человек, которого вы видели...
 3) conj. который, кто; do you know who has come? - знаете ли вы, кто пришел?; to know who is who - знать, что каждый собой представляет;
 4) conj. тот, кто; те, кто; who breaks pays - кто разобьет, тот заплатит - Whos Who - Who was Who
WHO was Who биографический справочник умерших
WHO World Health Organization noun Всемирная организация здравоохранения (ООН), ВОЗ
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См. в других словарях

  1. употр. с гл. в ед. и мн. ч.: в прямых вопросах кто? who is speaking? —- кто говорит? whom did you see? —- кого вы видели? of whom are you speaking? —- о ком вы говорите? whom do you want? —- кого вам нужно? who of us can still remember his name? —- кто из нас еще помнит его имя? who are ready to follow me? —- кто готов следовать за мной? 2. употр. с гл. в ед. и мн. ч.: эмоц-усил. кто (такой)? who is he to be so honoured? —- кто он такой, что ему оказывают такую честь? 3. употр. с гл. в ед. и мн. ч. (вм. whom): who do you want? —- разг. кого вам нужно?, кого вы ищете? who were you talking to? —- разг. с кем вы разговаривали? 4. ритор. кто (также в сочетании с ) who stands if freedom fall? —- кто выстоит, если падет свобода? who among you but would have done the same? —- кто (из вас) сделал бы то же (поступил бы так же)? немногие (из вас) смогли бы сделать то же (поступить так же) 5. вм. нерасслышанного или непонятого имени человека Mr. who did you say? как, вы сказали, его фамилия? 6. в косвенных вопросах и придаточных предложениях: кто did he know who I was? —- он знал, кто я ? ask him who found this —- спросите его, кто нашел это? 7. в эмоц-усил. знач.: who do you think you are? —- что, по-вашему, вы из себя представляете? что вы о себе думаете? 8. (вм. whom): I know who he is thinking of —- разг. я знаю, о ком он думает 9. который, которая, которые, кто (обыкн....
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) кой 2) который 3) кто ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  abbr. World Health Organization. WHO pron. (obj. whom or colloq. who; poss. whose) 1 a what or which person or persons? (who called?; you know who it was; whom or who did you see?). Usage In the last example whom is correct but who is common in less formal contexts. b what sort of person or persons? (who am I to object?). 2 (a person) that (anyone who wishes can come; the woman whom you met; the man who you saw). Usage In the last two examples whom is correct but who is common in less formal contexts. 3 and or but he, she, they, etc. (gave it to Tom, who sold it to Jim). 4 archaic the or any person or persons that (whom the gods love die young). Phrases and idioms as who should say like a person who said; as though one said. who-does-what (of a dispute etc.) about which group of workers should do a particular job. who goes there? see GO(1). who's who 1 who or what each person is (know who's who). 2 a list or directory with facts about notable persons. Etymology: OE hwa f. Gmc: whom f. OE dative hwam, hw{aelig}m: whose f. genit. hw{aelig}s ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   pronoun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English hwa; akin to Old High German hwer, interrogative pronoun, ~, Latin quis, Greek tis, Latin qui, relative pronoun, ~  Date: before 12th century  1. what or which person or persons — used as an interrogative ~ was elected? find out ~ they are — used by speakers on all educational levels and by many reputable writers, though disapproved by some grammarians, as the object of a verb or a following preposition ~ did I see but a Spanish lady — Padraic Colum do not know ~ the message is from — G. K. Chesterton  2. the person or persons that ; ~ever  3. — used as a function word to introduce a relative clause; used especially in reference to persons my father, ~ was a lawyer but also in reference to groups a generation ~ had known nothing but war — R. B. West or to animals dogs ~…fawn all over tramps — Nigel Balchin or to inanimate objects especially with the implication that the reference is really to a person earlier sources ~ maintain a Davidic ancestry — F. M. Cross — used by speakers on all educational levels and by many reputable writers, though disapproved by some grammarians, as the object of a verb or a following preposition a character ~ we are meant to pity — Times Literary Supplement  Usage: see ~m, that WHO  abbreviation World Health Organization ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  ~ pron 1 used in questions to ask what person or people  (Who's that woman over there? | Did they find out who stole the money? | Who did you stay with?) 2 used in a question or statement to show what person or people you are talking about  (Do you know the people who live over the road? | A postman is a man who delivers letters.) 3 used especially in written language after a comma, to add more information about a person or people  (I discussed it with my brother, who is a lawyer.) 4 who are you to...? used to say that someone should not judge someone or something because they have faults themselves or do not have the necessary experience  (Who am I to say how you should bring up your kids; I don't have any.) 5 who's who the people within a particular organization or group and how important each person is, what their job is etc  (I'm just getting to know who's who in the department.)  ( USAGE NOTE: WHO FORMALITY Except in very formal English, who is used instead of whom as an object in all kinds of questions Who did you see? | I wonder who she married in the end. | Who was she dancing with? Compare the much more formal With whom was she dancing? The same is true when who is used in relative clauses that add information but do not restrict the meaning of the noun they follow, often after a comma This is Jed, who you haven't met before/who I work for (=this is Jed, and I work for him). In relative clauses that restrict the meaning of the n, even who is rare as an object in informal or spoken English. Instead, that or nothing is used I'm the person (that) you need to see/speak to (NOT which). It would be very formal to say ...to whom you need to speak. However, whom must be used immediately after a prep, and you can avoid this by rephrasing your sentence. For example, instead of saying To whom are you sending that letter? It is much more natural to say Who are you sending that letter to? You can also use that instead of who when it is the subject of a relative clause I hate people who/that can't stop talking. GRAMMAR You can use who or...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  veterin. abbr. World Health Organization onc. abbr. World Health Organization physiol. abbr. World Health Organization UN abbr. World Health Organization U.S. gov. abbr. World Health Organization ocean sc. abbr. World Health Organization ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  See: SAYS WHO. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. hwa, from P.Gmc. *khwas, *khwes, *khwo, from PIE *qwos/*qwes. The pronoun whom is from O.E. hwam, the dative form of hwa; the pronoun whose developed from O.E. hwжs, the genitive form of hwa. Whodunit is 1930, U.S. slang, originally a semi-facetious formation from who done it? ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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